
MRI Syringes
Sterile, Disposable, Latex-Free, Pyrogen-Free Syringes, packaged with Coiled Extension Lines and Fill Tube or spike ranging from 60mL up to 200mL designed to withstand up to 300psi.
Our MRI Syringes are designed to fit a variety of injectors platforms:
Medrad Spectris, Medrad Spectris Solaris
Mallinckrodt/Liebel Flarsheim MRI Optistar LE, Optistar Elite
Medtron Accutron MR
Nemoto Sonic Shot
Bracco Empower MR
Know more categories: CT Syringes and Angio Syringes

SMP Number: HS-BMD100
Description: 2- 100ml Syringes, 1- Large Spike, 1- Small Spike, 1-96" Y Coiled Tubing with Check Valves
For use with: Bracco Empower MR Injectors
Manufacturer Number: 017348

SMP Number: HS-MMD115T
Description: 1- 65ml & 1- 115ml Syringes, 1- Large Spike, 1 Small Spike, 1-96" T Coiled Tubing with Check Valve
For use with: Medrad Spectris Solaris Injectors
Manufacturer Number: SSQK65/115VS

SMP Number: HS-MMD65T
Description: 2- 65ml Syringes, 1-Large Spike, 1-Small Spike, 1-96" T Coiled Tubing with Check Valve
For use with: Medrad Spectris Injectors
Manufacturer Number: SQK 65VS

SMP Number: HS-TM60Y
Description: 1- 60ml Syringe, 1- Large Spike, 1-96" Y Coiled Tubing with Dual Check Valves
For use with: Mallinckrodt/ Liebel-Flarsheim MRI Optistar LE Optistar Elite Injectors
Manufacturer Number: 801801

SMP Number: HS-TMD60
Description: 2- 60ml Syringes, 1- Large Spike, 1- Small Spike, 1-96" Y Coiled Tubing with Dual Check Valves
For use with: Mallinckrodt/ Liebel-Flarsheim MRI Optistar LE Optistar Elite Injectors
Manufacturer Number: 801800